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Wed. Jan. 15 - Rob054
Catfish… waste of time.
Thu. Dec. 26 - 3amoatmeal
I saw her like 2 years ago. Had to pick her up somewhere and head somewhere else. She is a really nice lady, really Accommodating. Clean.
Sun. Dec. 22 - Stealth.. 1O1®
TheDon22 is correct unfortunately
Wed. Dec. 18 - Stickandmove313
@The Don22 how bad was it? I want to try but I been catfished to much to waste my time if she's not the same lady.
Fri. Dec. 13 - TheDon22
Cat fish doesn’t look anything like the photos
Thu. Dec. 12 - Roguerick
Caseybryan how does she compare to others on the east side?
Fri. Nov. 22 - caseybryan
She's real. I saw her about a year ago, and she has the same number. Pics are her. Pussy was tight and wet. She enjoys what she does.
Sat. Oct. 26 - Ricodasalvage
She has the best head and wet creamy pussy I ever had been dating her for 2 yrs str8 she will most definitely have you coming BK for more trust me
Wed. Sep. 25 - rd4591
This lady changes phone number more than I change underwear

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