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Wed. Oct. 2 - Sanchohoes
Nice gal!
Sun. Sep. 1 - Bigaj66
Need new reviews
Mon. Jan. 22 - Safehouse
Damn she pregnant
Mon. May. 1 - Happysexdaddy713
does she allow datty
Thu. Nov. 17 - Hu!k
Very professional with a sloppy bj. All natural, curvy provider
Thu. Oct. 6 - Cojelon713
She’s real reminds me of raven the booty had her a good while back. Profesional!
Wed. Mar. 23 - WarlockX
You need to come back to Baltimore 😍
Sun. Oct. 25 - YoungeAA
Beyond good.. that head tho
Wed. Mar. 25 - Horndog802
Real Deal right here
Wed. Nov. 27 - Mrnevabacdwn40
Just seen lil momma not that long ago and she has some a1 sloppy head game fellas and the pussy was good 2
Wed. Jun. 26 - Slop.
She's the Best, hands down. No rush. Pussy taste unbelievable! Pussy so good, should b against the law, Facts! All these crazy comments about her all lies!
Tue. Mar. 5 - LaVannalust
Also if you are rude or just not a good client or did something that I asked u not too maybe it wasnt the best for a reason Bc I've never had these issues
Tue. Feb. 26 - LaVannalust
Lol SWATHTX52 LOL I remember exactly who you are and what happened and we both know that is not true
Mon. Feb. 4 - Ham321
Fri. Jan. 25 - Ndmann
She anygood
Sun. Dec. 23 - Bigwillie58
Very beautiful and sexy as hell. Will repeat.
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