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Wed. Aug. 7 - pawl
Only getting voice mail as well...
Tue. Aug. 6 - Tdot5557
Anyone been able to reach her. All calls seem to go straight to Voice-mail.
Mon. Nov. 13 - Bbwtorontolover
Older lady was over 60, I wasn’t happy
Thu. Nov. 2 - Tdot5557
Saw both at different times at different location. Basic service for the price good for a quick cum.
Sun. Oct. 29 - Lesotho
How old? Like 40-50 or older?
Sun. Oct. 29 - Toguy2
2 older Asian ladies. One does the actual work while the other one played with your nipples and rubs your chest.
Tue. Oct. 24 - Frankihatch
Go find out
Mon. Oct. 23 - pawl
2 girls for $70 sounds too good to be true. Can anyone confirm if this is legit?
Sat. Oct. 21 - Tman416
She's from Dundas and Bathurst. Has anyone seen her in new location? How was other girl like?

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