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Fri. Jan. 19 - Coopjefe
Her credentials speaks for her and that’s why alot of brothers are mad at her because she knows her craft very well and sales it her way
Fri. Jan. 19 - Coopjefe
I chose to become a regular of Misslitty 15yrs ago put some respect on her name and craft she will educate you … I love how she handles herself
Fri. Jan. 19 - TherangerGod
Every woman has the right to do the choosing she doesn't have to sleep with the world to get paid and I love that about her keep going Misslitty
Fri. Jan. 19 - TherangerGod
She is a real woman and she stands on her business and will not let you play with her
Fri. Jan. 19 - TherangerGod
She doesn't have sex at all because she knows how to get the job done regardless she chooses to only offer sanitary lingham massages
Fri. Jan. 19 - TherangerGod
She clearly states on her ad what she does and doesn't do she is actually licensed and certified for her skills and has been owning her spa service 19yrs
Sat. Dec. 30 - OJTS
321445 thats all i needed to know my guy!
Sun. Nov. 19 - Cum4769
Is it any sex or oral involved
Thu. Oct. 13 - Strongleggs39
She is amazing at what she does and very stunning and beautiful in person ...I will become a regular I need her in my life

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