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Fri. Feb. 28 - Thebigez
She’ll get you right
Sun. Feb. 9 - Ohsheeet1
I seen her again and got the best bj while she fingered my ass. 10/10 she’s hot af
Sun. Jan. 5 - obcd
sorry was a typo not cfs i meant CBJ
Sat. Jan. 4 - Ohsheeet1
I’m curious about this cfs comment. Did she switch up?
Fri. Dec. 27 - obcd
CFS only
Sat. Dec. 14 - Ohsheeet1
Where is she now?
Thu. Oct. 31 - Ohsheeet1
Holy shit I had a great session with her!
Wed. Oct. 9 - Daddydanny1121
Just saw her today, and wow! Looks sexier in person, very friendly, and amazing massage experience! No fs but that doesn't matter!
Thu. Aug. 8 - Erotone
Please reply to My text
Tue. Aug. 6 - Polluted4u
Anyway to schedule without texting?
Sat. Aug. 3 - Ohsheeet1
Any prostate play
Sat. Aug. 3 - DamienX21
I saw her a few days ago, first time since last year, there's not enough space for me to say the things she to me
Fri. Jul. 19 - Erotone
Hi I am trying to reach you since long but not seeing any response from you. Could you please respond back if available.
Wed. Jul. 17 - SJchessmaster
Not FS but you won't miss that
Wed. Jul. 10 - sssjeff
Is there FS or anything else on the menu? looking to book soon! thanks
Mon. Jun. 3 - sssjeff
does she offer FS or is it just BJ?
Sat. Mar. 9 - Blee126
Jaidee please post your booking site again. Some of us aren’t able to use cell phones for communication Thank you
Sun. Feb. 18 - redstarrailroad
Definitely worth checking this one out. Clean, comfortable space and a beautiful, skilled woman.
Wed. Feb. 14 - Blee126
What was her booking site she advertised previously ?
Tue. Nov. 28 - tigersfan7259
If you want fs she’s not for you. But if you want a spectacular massage with a happy ending that will not disappoint she is definitely your lady.
Fri. Nov. 24 - Itdontmatta
thanks for the heads up damien, didn'tk now about the top
Fri. Nov. 24 - Itdontmatta
Thanks for the review Damien
Fri. Nov. 17 - DamienX21
Really sweet lady, definitely worth going to see
Fri. Nov. 17 - DamienX21
I seen her last month, i did a half hour good back rub, then she gave me oiled up HJ then covered top
Wed. Nov. 15 - Itdontmatta
So is it just a HJ for $150-200? Is there anything else on the table?
Thu. Nov. 9 - Thebigez
She’s very nice and absolutely gorgeous. She worth spending time with
Thu. Nov. 9 - Thebigez
Worth every penny. She is very nice and absolutely gorgeous
Fri. Nov. 3 - DbMcPike
So full $200 gets fucking happy e ? Not just bj or hj happy e ?
Mon. Oct. 23 - Banksluther
Is there sex involved in the happy ending
Wed. Oct. 11 - DamienX21
She's a really sweet lady, good deep tissue massage, and the happy ending is worth it
Tue. Oct. 10 - Rogue1974
More pics

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