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Mon. Mar. 3 - DougW
Damn she soaked me up !
Tue. Feb. 11 - DougW
Damn she’s a real creamer 💦 much needed session
Sun. Dec. 1 - Billww
Her body is real nice . Makes you very comfortable and really good service i will be back
Wed. Nov. 27 - MrMaxx85
Fine as hell in person . And she doesn't lie that thang is a super soaker
Thu. May. 30 - Cyoungsta
Not her in pics. Upcharge on everything. Everything covered.
Thu. Sep. 28 - Maxmax32
She so damn fine ! I was super nervous but I'm glad I came she definitely one of the best providers 💦💦
Sat. Jun. 24 - MrJames12735
Not her pics…the real one is in MN seen her multiple times…so not sure who this person is
Thu. May. 11 - Bjtheman
Real sexy so glad I made the drive 💦
Sat. Apr. 1 - Mariman
Super sensual, sexy and dresses up for the part guys
Sat. Apr. 1 - Radarman
Good pussy !
Thu. Mar. 16 - Papa Giorgio
What are her rates? Does she do bbbjs?
Tue. Mar. 14 - Radarman
Very sexy. ! Definitely has a squiter pussy guys

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