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Thu. Dec. 19 - 64CUTDAWG
She is the truth that pussy got some power
Sat. Dec. 14 - Idot512
Nice takes her time with you is not on BS and makes you feel comfortable
Sat. Dec. 14 - Idot512
Nice takes her time with you and can suck a mean one I got no complaints on shawty hope she Kums back to Columbia
Sat. Dec. 14 - Idot512
Nice doesn't bullshit round and takes her time with you and got some good head
Mon. Dec. 2 - Altext90
I like her. Strictly business, but she's sweet. BBW with a soft ass that's great for backshots. Will visit often when shes in Charleston
Wed. Nov. 13 - Altext90
Come back to Charleston soon
Sun. Oct. 6 - Brownadonis
Damn she got a big azz
Mon. Sep. 30 - Theking43
What's her prices and where she located
Mon. Sep. 2 - DickJames804
Her handjob is the best
Sat. Jul. 27 - wthamidoing
Had her before, she's a good one

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